Guests at the launch concert of Xanadu Online Theatre in September 2020 would have heard this song being debuted. Many people have had an increase in anxiety levels over the past year, but does yours have a name?
Tag Archives: fantasy
Adam Driver, by Futzy and the Bitch
Have you had any fantasies during lockdown? They’re completely harmless, right? I know Futzy and the Bitch have a strong marriage, so I’m not worried about them at all.

Red Hood
(Violence and adult themes)
Seena could hear the foxes howling in the back garden. She had put out a few scraps for them earlier. She looked out the window and saw two of them enjoying their meal. Her grandmother always told her she shouldn’t encourage them, but she felt sorry for the skinny little canines. She had always been fascinated by foxes, going back to early childhood. Of course, in those days the animals were not so plentiful in cities, and sightings were rare treats. Now, however, the animals were everywhere. Many people found them a nuisance, but Seena often felt comforted by the thought of foxes in her garden. In her mind they kept her safe.
Thinking of her grandmother reminded Seena that she had promised to bring her round some dinner tonight. What to cook? She decided on a new recipe she had got recently for chickpea curry with brown rice.
While the meal was cooking, Seena watched the foxes. They had finished eating now and were sitting on the grass looking towards the house. As she gazed out the window at them, it felt like a communion between woman and beast. Shortly, however, the animals got up and left, and Seena returned her attention to the dinner.
When she was finished cooking, Seena filled some Tupperware with curry and rice for Granny. She donned her favourite bright red coat, and, as it was a cold evening, she put the hood up.
It was about a 20 minute walk to Granny’s house, and Seena travelled briskly to avoid the chill. It was a relief to walk into the welcoming warmth of her grandmother’s house and receive her cheery greeting.
‘You’re so good to an old woman, Seena, coming out on a cold night like this.’
‘It’s nothing, Nani. Besides, I want to know what you think of my new recipe,” Seena said as she plated up the chickpea curry.
‘I’m sure it will be delicious, love,’ her grandmother replied.
As the old woman ate, they talked about the family, Nani recently having had a visit from her Grandson and his new wife. Inevitably, this lead to talk of Seena’s situation – Why didn’t she find a nice boy for herself and settle down like her brother? Seena, as usual made light of Nani’s questions and deflected the conversation back onto her brother. While her parents were perfectly aware of her preference for her own gender, it had been agreed within the family that what Nani didn’t know couldn’t hurt her, and Seena was happy with that.
Finally, it was time to head out into the cold again. Her grandmother asked her to stay the night, but Seena had some work she wanted to finish at home, so she donned her red coat once again and stepped out briskly. Looking at her watch, Seena was surprised at how late it was. She really wanted to get home as soon as possible Should she take the shortcut? She didn’t usually do so at night, but this was a safe area and she felt such a strong yearning to be home quickly.
The shortcut was a pathway at the side of a meadow, with a high wall on the other side. It was often busy during the day, but at this time of night it was deserted. Seena pulled up her hood and followed the pavement at a steady pace. She was about halfway down when she felt a callused hand grab her arm. Next thing she knew she was slammed against the block wall and a rough-looking man was in front of her. He pulled down her hood and ripped it from her coat.
She started to scream but he grabbed her by the throat. Holding her still with his right hand, he used his left to open her coat and tug at her jeans and underwear. His face was now looming and she could see his bald head with a union jack tattooed on it and a vein pulsating in the forehead. She could smell his fetid breath The fear was a stabbing knife in her stomach..
“Please,” she whispered. He started to undo his own trousers.
Suddenly, something leapt out of the darkness straight onto the man’s left arm. It was a fox! As the attacker turned to see what was there, his grip on Seena’s neck loosened. There was a growl, and another fox was on his right leg. Meanwhile a third canine nuzzled at Seena’s hand. She pulled her clothes back into order and raced desperately for home.
It was several hours later. The police had been round to see her and Seena had told them everything. They promised to call if there was any progress. Seena had gone straight into the shower when they left, scrubbing herself as if she could never be clean again. Now she was coming downstairs in her dressing gown when the phone rang. It was the policeman who had visited her earlier. They had found her attacker.
‘He was easy to identify, ma’am, he had been terribly mauled by the foxes. He confessed to everything. He’ll be in hospital for a while, though, before he’s well enough to stand trial.’
‘Thank you Officer.’ Seena put down the phone. Something made her turn towards the window. Hearing a faint mewling sound, she opened the curtains.
Six foxes were sitting in a semi-circle on the grass facing her. In the centre was her red hood.
Thank you,’ Seena whispered.
Nothing happened for a moment, and then, one by one, the foxes seemed to nod to her before walking slowly from the garden.
Mary Tynan